Mafia Connected

Servers => Server Chat => Connected Roleplay => Topic started by: Vortrex on Sep 11, 2023, 05:01 PM

Title: Server Rules
Post by: Vortrex on Sep 11, 2023, 05:01 PM
Global Server Rules

These rules apply to all servers. Some servers may have extra rules to fit the game and it's atmosphere or for other reasons. Server-specific rules can add onto to the global rules, but cannot override or conflict with them.



Title: Re: Server Rules
Post by: Vortrex on Sep 11, 2023, 05:05 PM
Mafia 1 Server Rules

Maximum amount you can rob a single person for is $150. This number may change over time. Robberies are also different from bribes, gifts or other deals, where you can use any amount you want. Example: Driving up to a person, getting your gun out, holding them at gunpoint and demanding money from them is a robbery. Giving a bribe to a police officer is not a robbery, so the $250 limit is not active there.

Interior Exit Markers
Please don't block the exit marker inside an interior with a vehicle, always move it out of the way.

Shootouts and killing:
The hospital acts as an OOC green zone, killing or shooting someone there is prohibited unless they enter the zone while already in an active shootout. If you're killed during an active shootout and spawn at the hospital, you're not allowed to return to the battlefield until the situation is over. Your character is not killed permanently unless you agree to it in OOC chat. (there is a difference between Player Kill and Character Kill)

Since the bootlegging system is not yet implemented, this rule is a temporary solution to enhance the roleplay. First, you must be in a clan with at least one warehouse and one bar, three members online and participating, and at least one moderator to overlook the process and give the payout. You can only use a maximum of two trucks. Only one delivery every two hours. There must be RP of loading the booze into the truck, and RP again unloading the booze at the clan's warehouse. Five minutes before leaving the pickup warehouse, you must announce in global OOC: "(clan) will depart from (exact location) to (exact location) in a few minutes, and will receive (money) upon arrival". Once delivery is finished, announce in global OOC, "delivery is done". While in transit, your goods may be stolen by other clans and get away, in which case all the money you would have received is given to them instead. The Fear RP rule is especially applicable to this activity. Payments are as follows: