Mafia Connected

Servers => Connected Roleplay => Server Chat => Factions => Topic started by: Vortrex on Sep 11, 2023, 04:41 PM

Title: Lost Heaven Police Department
Post by: Vortrex on Sep 11, 2023, 04:41 PM
Looking for good pay, good working environment, and help us protect your loved ones? LHPD is now recruiting!

We have been serving and protecting our community since 1845. For almost a century, the LHPD has stood as a beacon of strength in Lost Heaven, preserving peace and protecting the innocent. As an LHPD officer, you will have the opportunity to work alongside highly skilled professionals who are dedicated to maintaining law and order. Join the Lost Heaven Police Department and become a hero of your community!

How to Join:
Just fill out the form below, and a recruitment officer will contact you soon
First and Last Name:
Have you been in an official faction before?
Why should you be hired as an LHPD officer?

((OOC Info))
Player Name:
Can you read and write in English?
Do you have any experience in roleplaying as a police officer? If yes, explain how long and the game/server